
Learn more about building on Flow from teams that have already launched successful projects

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👋 Welcome to the Flow Case Study Repo

Greetings to everybody who has landed on the Flow Case Study Repo, a home for people building (and thinking about building) on Flow to take a look around some of the amazing projects that are live on Flow today. Hear from teams that have successfully built and launched on Flow, and get a better idea as to what it means to launch different types of projects.

💻 Building with Cadence

Haven’t built with Cadence before? No worries, we’ve asked every team to share about their experience using Flow’s resource-oriented smart contract programming language, so you can get a better understanding about what it’s like using it.

🌊 Why Flow?

Hear directly from teams about why they decided to Build on Flow, and what that's meant for their team since deciding Flow was the right blockchain for their vision.

💡 Different Verticals

We’ll be sharing case studies from different verticals #onFlow, from NFT projects, to Web3 games, DAOs, DeFi platforms and more. This will help paint a broad picture for all of the different types of builders out there looking to see what already exists on Flow, and gives these great teams a chance to share their insight in the particular space they’ve built in.

Flow has a little bit of everything, and hopefully seeing these amazing projects lights some creative fires.

💰 Investor Information

If teams have shared who their investors are with us, we’ll include that as well. This is helpful for teams looking for funds as they get their project running, and shares some insight on the types of people investing into Flow ecosystem projects.

👉 Resources