
Third year full stack development and devops module project - Frontend

Primary LanguageDart

NoteyIO Flutter

Getting Started

You need two pieces of software to run the app: the Flutter SDK and an editor (Android studio recommended).

You can run this app by using any of the following devices:

  • A physical device (Android or iOS) connected to your computer and set to developer mode
  • The iOS simulator (requires installing Xcode tools)
  • The Android emulator (requires setup in Android Studio)

Running the app

To run the App:

  • Make sure the api is running otherwise the app will not function as wanted.
  • Build the app, be it in Android Studio(Recommended) or using the command line to build using XCode if installing in an iOS device (This can only be built on an Apple Device).
  • If the app does not connect to the api but the api is running, change the api endpoint to or the ip of the server

For other help with Flutter, view the online documentation.