Basically, I'm trying to replicate a user's activity feed on GitHub, but mostly this was an exercise to fetch an external API on initial load via React. I've recently expanded on this by creating a form to fetch different users.
I made this demo as part of my learning process and hope that it will help someone
else along their path in learning React. There's still lots to do here since we
are basically just hitting an external endpoint and not really doing anything
dynamic in the UI.
This was bootstrapped with the create-react-app
project. Read their docs to find out
how this is organized:
I learned all of my React with Wes Bos' online React For Beginners tutorial.
API instead of jQuery - seems a bit much to load jQuery just for an API call.- Create a filter allow users to fetch certain types of data
Create a form to make the username dynamic- Show the user info
Add localStorage