
A lighting and shadows demo for Love2D

Primary LanguageLua

#LOVE Lights A LÖVE 2D lighting and shadows demo


  • Left-Click: Place light
  • Right-Click: Drag block
  • A/D: Cycle light hue
  • W/S: Change light sizes
  • Z: Remove light
  • F: Spawn blocks
  • R: Remove blocks
  • G: Toggle gravity
  • Arrow keys: Move blocks

###How it works It's actually very simple.

For every light
  For every block
     Iterate over edges of block, calculating the shadow for each edge
     Draw the shadows to the inverted stencil
  Turn on shader and additive blending
  Draw a fullscreen rectangle (shader renders the light with some simple math)
Change blending mode to multiply
Render every block with color