
I'm Jacob Deichert and I'm a software developer from Nanaimo, BC. Thanks for coming to check out my work.

🧰 Most of my experience is based around Node, Go, TypeScript, React and Svelte. For side projects, my favourite stack currently is Rust for the backend (using my custom framework built on top of hyper) and Solid on the frontend. I've also been experimenting with WebAssembly and I'm looking forward to releasing another project soon.

🛠 I enjoy building dev tools and automating things. Mask is a CLI task runner which uses a markdown file to define commands. Svelvet was an experiment in building an esm-based compiler for Svelte.

🧪 This year I'm hoping to get into IoT and embedded development with Rust.

📘 I sometimes write about things on my blog.

👋 You can reach me at hey@jacobdeichert.ca