#FEWD Week #8: Forms


This week, you'll be practicing your form skills: you have the option of adding a form to your final project, finishing the Relaxr form that will be started in class, or building a form for CitiPix. The form you build must include at least three different types of HTML form elements and some light CSS styling. We have given you an example of a form that renders well on the web and mobile devices, as well as an example, with starter code, of a registration form you could build for Relaxr.

###Real-World Applications

  • Be able to apply the proper HTML and CSS styles to create a modern web form
  • Revisit applications and projects to iterate on code you've written

###Technical Requirements

  • Use at least three different types of HTML5 form elements: input, textarea, select, radio button, dropdown, checkbox
  • Link to your sign-up page from different pages in your application
  • Style forms lightly using CSS
  • Make sure a user's password is not visible when they are entering it


  • Use responsive media queries to allow for proper rendering on mobile devices
  • Use jQuery and display an error message if any of the input fields are left blank upon submission
  • To replicate application flow, add another page that says "Thanks for Relaxing with us!" after submission



Instructional team should evaluate against the solution code and the student's fulfillment of technical requirements. Instructional team will provide a numeric grade on a scale for each technical requirement: does not meet expectations (0); meets expectations (1); exceeds expectations (2). Note: If bullet points have child bullets, grade the child bullets and not the parent bullet belonging to the child. The maximum possible score on this assignment is 8/8. Bonus materials are completely optional.


  1. "Fork" this repository
  2. "Clone" your fork into the GitHub Desktop app
  3. Complete the assignment
  4. Commit changes and push them back to GitHub (sync)
  5. Submit a "pull request" to the "upstream" project