JavaScript Development - Assignment 5

Countly MVC

The assignment is to make an MVC application used for counting things. Here are the specifications for the application:

  • It should have three buttons (one for counting up, one for counting down, one for resetting to 0)
  • It will display the count to the user
  • If the count goes above 100, the color of the number will be red
  • If the count goes below 0, the color of the number will be blue



Monday, July 18, 2016


  • Fork the GitHub Repository


  • Clone your new Fork


  • Write some code!

  • git add . your changes

  • git commit your changes, leave a commit message

  • git push your changes back to your fork

  • Submit a pull request from your fork to the upstream project, be sure to fill out the PR message

Pull Request

Pull Request Message