Unsupervised Learning for Lexicon-Based Classification

This is the implementation from the eponymous AAAI 2017 paper. It includes:

I cannot promise to provide much support for the code, but I will try.

Reproducing results

To reproduce the Cornell dataset results, you can run the following line:

python bayeslex.py --epochs 250 cornell liu-pos.utf8 liu-neg.utf8 --optimizer admm --prefilter

The second column of the output contains the AUC numbers reported in the paper.

You can get the other datasets in the paper at the following locations:

The ISOL leixcon was obtained here: http://metashare.upf.edu/repository/browse/isol/f93c81ba65c911e48763000c291ecfc893e66d98695145c0b0066cfa00e6ccda/