
Image-sharing social networking clone of vsco

Primary LanguageRuby



Minimum Viable Product

asco is a clone of vsco built originally on Rails and Backbone, but now hosts React + Redux on the frontend. Users can:

  • Create accounts
  • Create sessions (log in)
  • Follow users
  • View a feed of followed user
  • Search for images by title
  • Search for images by user
  • Sort Images by tags on user view

Design Docs

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1: User Authentication, grid start (~1 day)

I will implement user authentication in Rails based on the practices learned at App Academy. By the end of this phase, users will be able to access the asco grid. The most important part of this phase will be pushing the app to Heroku and ensuring that everything works before moving on to phase 2.


Phase 2: Viewing images, improve ui/ux (~2 days)

I will add API routes to serve image view data as JSON, then add Backbone models and collections that fetch data from those routes. By the end of this phase, users will be able to select images and view them and backbone will be involved.


Phase 3: Feed (~2 days)

I'll start by adding a feed route that uses the current_user's followed_users association to serve a list of image posts ordered chronologically. On the Backbone side, I'll make a FeedShow view whose images collection fetches from the new route.


Phase 4: Searching for Images and Users (~2 days)

I'll need to add search routes to both the Users and Images controllers. On the Backbone side, there will be a SearchResults composite view has UsersIndex and ImagesIndex subviews. These views will use plain old users and images collections, but they will fetch from the new search routes.


Phase 5: Refine ui/ux (~2 days)

I plan to exert a lot of effort into making it look like the original. I hope to gain valuable front-end knowledge through this exercise.


Bonus Features (TBD)

  • upload images
  • map
  • Drop down on show page for extra image info
  • Journal MVC
  • Pagination/infinite scroll
  • asco, film, cam, keys navbar and mvc
  • User avatars
  • Typeahead search bar
  • Animate guest log-in
  • Automated periodic seed process