
Create social media card images from blog post frontmatter.

Primary LanguagePython


fmcardgen generates images from documents with frontmatter:

It's mostly designed for generating those social media cards you see on Twitter. I wrote it so that my tweets would look like this:

I'll bet you can use it for other things, but 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Warning: this isn't well-supported software!

I wrote this mostly for me, but am sharing it because why not. I'm unlikely to respond to bug reports, and very unlikely to respond to feature requests unless they're something I want to. I may merge pull requests if they include tests which pass.

Quick HOWTO:

You'll need three things:

  1. Some documents, or one at least, written in plain text with Jekyll-style frontmatter. Frontmatter can be encoded in YAML (use --- to delimit the block), TOML (marked by +++), or JSON ({ and }).

  2. A template file. This is the blank background that text from your frontmatter will be overlayed upon. It can be any size you like. Mine is in the tests/ directory if you want inspiration, but please don't rip off my template!

  3. A config file (which can also be YAML, TOML, or JSON). A minimal config file looks like this (in TOML):

    template = "template.png"
    output = "{slug}.png"
    source = "title"
    x = 100
    y = 100

    The full list of config options is documented below.

Given all the above, then you run:

fmcardgen --config config.toml path/to/post.md

Or, to generate a whole bunch of cards from a directory full of documents:

fmcardgen --config config.toml --recursive my/content/dir/

See fmcardgen --help for the full range of options.

Configuration Options

Working on it...