
Examples code for Padauk µCs to be compiled with the Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

These are code examples for Padauk Microcontrollers.

They are meant to be compiled with the Small Device C Compiler (SDCC).

For pdk14 and pdk15, the SDCC backend is considered stable.
For pdk13, the SDCC-based toolchain is still experimental as of 2019-06-09, so running into issues is to be expected.

Currently, there are 4 demos:

count-pfs154: A timer / LED example for the PFS154 and PFS173.
hello-pfs15: A serial output example for the PFS154 and PFS173.
timer_irq_blink: An example ported from MINI-C to SDCC:
watchdog: An example ported from MINI-C to SDCC: