This is a basic configuration script with more features being added as we speak.

This will go through a list of apt installs and git clones to get tools not standardly packaged with kali or parot.

There are some commented lines in the code that are optional and will take a little of time to run being large repos.

09-21-20 Added some tools and a honeypot

Run both bash scripts

sudo ./ && sudo ./

Once the scripts finish run the following in the active terminal:

chsh $(which zsh)

Then close and reopen your terminal.

this should be all you need so far. feel free to add a branch and populate the script with things you like. I am adding to it as I go.

thanks a bunch!

NEEDS Check-List

-help message with basic use and readme link

-section of code to include install of the requirements and py setup for impacket and other github tools included

-section to add ssh enabling for remote access on the local network with password auth or key auth argument specifications.