Pet Store

Congratulations! You've just been hired by Purrfect Pets as their new web developer. It's your job to create a website where prospective pet parents can see all the adorable animals waiting to be adopted.

You're creating an app from scratch, so fork and clone this README, and start with rails new {{app_name}} -G (the -G keeps rails from making a new Git repo, since you're already cloning an existing one)


  • Create a Pet model with the following attributes:
    • name - string
    • species - string (stick to "dog", "cat" and "bird" for now)
    • year_of_birth - integer
    • good_with_kids? - boolean

Make sure your routes are following RESTful conventions!

  • Create pages at /dogs, /cats and /birds listing the respective animals. (Hint: Do you really need another view here, or can you use something you've already built?)


  • Add a column to the database to store a url to the picture of an animal. Show the picture on the pet's detail page
  • Provide links on your index page to sort by age or alphabetically by name. Don't make a new route: use get parameters to let your user choose how to sort (hint: ?sort_by=name or ?sort_by=age). You'll need to Google!