
Computer vision and data transmission infrastructure powering a MultiplayAR system

Primary LanguageC++


Build Status

MultiplayAR is a framework for building multi-client augmented reality experiences. This repository houses core infrastructure for a multiplayar deployment. This includes:

  • Data transmission layers
  • State management for clients and AR objects
  • Image processing and transformation computation

Client code for iOS can be found here.


  • A C++ compiler with good C++11 support (i.e. g++ >= 4.8)
  • cmake - 2.8 or later
  • Boost - 1.60.0 or later
  • OpenCV - 3.0 or later
  • Crow - included with the project in include/deps

Compiling and Running the Project

Build the project with CMake and make.

To the build project:

mkdir build bin
cd build
cmake ..

To run the project:

cd bin