
Screensaver design of colorful circle growth

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Circle Growth

This was a program made using JavaScript (ES 6) applied onto a canvas object in HTML. It is a screensaver emulator, since it is formatted to run within a browser framework, but could be reapplied later on.

Project Dates: November 2018 - Present (Inactive since February 2019)

Screenshot failed to load

This is a part of my retroactive upload initiative to showcase my personal projects on an open-source platform.


Circle Growth was one of my first attempts at creating a screensaver-styled javascript program. It loads in a 400px by 400px standard HTML5 canvas object, but is resized to fit the entire available window space by applying a window.onresize property on startup.

Essentially, a Pen object is used to trace where Circle objects should be placed. The pen drags across the screen, leaving circles, much like ink from a real pen. These circles will automatically and independently resize to fill a pre-designated amount of space as time progresses.

A big advantage to this project is that it allowed me to explore and practice with forms of JavaScript objects. In this case, I created 3 object frameworks. The Pen and Wiper only have one instance each, but the Circle object is replicated many times during runtime, stored in an array to facilitate a loop through all circles present on the canvas.


Property Type Description
x variable x-coordinate of pen cursor
y variable y-coordinate of pen cursor
angle variable angle the pen is heading over next time step
speed variable speed the pen travels across the canvas
color variable color of circle that will spawn next
move function shifts pen along angle, possibly rotates angle, changes ink color


Property Type Description
on variable Defines whether wiper is running
t variable Measures progress of current wipe
method variable Records type of wipe
start function begins wiper actions
stop function ends wiper actions and resets variables
clean function selects cleaning action/function
wipe function wipes from side-to-side
cells function wipes in an array of cells
pie function wipes in a pie-style spin
blots function wipes by making blots *
stripes function wipes in diagonal stripes *

* experimental or incompleted feature


Property Type Description
x variable x-coordinate of circle center
y variable y-coordinate of circle center
r variable radius of the circle
color variable color of circle, for printing
grow function increase circle radius by regular amount
intersect function determine if circle is intersecting another (passed as parameter)