
Sponsored project through the Mathematical Computing Laboratory at UIC

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Magnetic fields are well known to be vitally important on the earth and in the whole universe. The Earth’s magnetic field protects our planet from the charged particles streaming out from the Sun in the form of the solar wind. Magnetic fields in outer space play a significant role in star formation. Magnetic fields are also extensively used in industry to control the motion of liquid metals. The study of the dynamics of magnetic fields in electrically conducting fluids, such as in plasmas, liquid metals, and salt water, is called magneto-hydrodynamics, or MHD for short. In this project, we will investigate a few mathematical MHD models and perform simulations to visualize different types of magnetic waves. The models involved are 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional.

Project Supervisor: Mimi Dai

Collaborators: Bhakti Vyas, Jacob Krol, Lerayah Neely, Patricia Wilk

Project Dates: Fall 2019