
:penguin: A web app for visualizing personalized NeteaseCloudMusic data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Netease Profile

A web app for visualizing personalized NeteaseMusic data

Built with a bunch of things, but to name a few:

  • NeteaseCloudMusicApi
  • Styled Component
  • @reach/router
  • Storybook v5.3


  1. git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. yarn && yarn client:install && yarn server:install
  3. yarn dev


  • cd client && yarn storybook
  • yarn test


  1. Create new heroku app
  herou create netease-profile
  1. Push to heroku
  git push heroku master
  1. Once the app is live on Heroku, hitting https://netease-profile.herokuapp.com/