
A simple Slack bot you can set up in a few minutes on Autocode

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic Autocode Slack Bot

Deploy Now

This is a basic, fully customizable example Slack Bot that you can install into your Slack workspace in just a few clicks by deploying it to Autocode. Right out of the box, your bot will:

  1. Respond to a Slack slash command called hello by sending a reply message from the bot containing whatever text follows the command.
  2. Send a friendly welcome message to users who join a new channel in your Slack workspace.

This behavior is completely customizable by editing the bot code. The only things you'll need are an Autocode account and a Slack workspace!

Hello Command

Once installed, typing /cmd hello <text> will trigger /functions/events/slack/command/hello.js and provide an output that look like this:

Member Joined Channel Handler

When a member joins a public channel, your bot will respond to the resulting member_joined_channel event from Slack by running /functions/events/slack/member_joined_channel.js. This will generate a message like this:

Deploying This Slack Bot

You can deploy this Slack Bot to Autocode by clicking the button below:

You'll be asked to log in and choose a name for your project. Do so, and the project editor will open. Open functions/events/slack/member_joined_channel.js, and you'll see a bouncing red button on the bottom of your screen.

Click it and follow the instructions under Install Autocode App to link your Slack workspace. Finally, hit the blue Deploy button in the bottom right corner to push your project live. That's it, you're done!

Note: Creating and linking your own custom Slack app rather than the official Autocode app will allow you to trigger this command as /hello (without the /cmd), but is a more complex process –– we recommend starting simple and swapping in the custom app later if desired.

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