
A hangman bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hangbot is an automated hangman player bot program for playing hangman over the web. It comes with four bots:

  • DefaultBot guesses letters in alphabetical order. It's not too bright!
  • RandomBot guesses letters at random
  • SmartBot uses an n-gram letter model
  • SmarterBot uses a unigram word model and a letter model.

I tested all four bots for 100 games. DefaultBot and RandomBot didn't even win once. Hangman is hard for computers! Meanwhile, SmartBot achieved a record of 33 wins and 67 losses. That's pretty good! SmarterBot is the champion. He achieved a whopping record of 96 wins and 4 losses. That's better than me! Let's tackle the usage instructions first and then I'll describe SmartBot's algorithm a bit more.

#Installation and Usage

To use Hangbot, first make sure you are using a machine with a recent copy of node.js and npm. Then you can install this project with

$ git clone git://github.com/jacoblyles/hangbot.git
$ cd hangbot
$ npm install -g

The "-g" flag installs an executable script called hangbot that will be accessible from any working directory. After installation, take it for a spin! The following command tells SmartBot to play 5 games:

hangbot run smarter 5

The commands available for hangbot are:

hangbot help

prints out the usage instructions

hangbot stats

prints the win/loss stats of the bots available on your machine

hangbot run <botname> <times>

tell the bot to play hangman for you! Options for <botname> are 'default', 'random', 'smart', and 'smarter'. <times> should be an integer. Both parameters are optional, the defaults are 'default' and 1

#SmartBot algorithm

SmartBot uses a linear interpolation of a unigram and a bigram letter model trained on a ~5 million character corpus (thanks for the corpus, Peter Norvig!). For each unfilled position, SmartBot uses the letter model to choose a maximum likelihood potential letter. SmartBot takes the global maximum likelihood letter over all positions as its guess.

The probability of letter l at position i is given by

p(l_i) = w * unigram(l_i) + (1 - w) * bigram(l_i)

Where w is between 0 and 1. Since unigram and bigram return probabilities, then p(l_i) will also be between 0 and 1, which is what we want!

The sub-models are given by:

unigram(l_i) = count(l) / total_letters
bigram(l_i) = p(l_i | l_i-1) = count(l_i-1, l_i) / count(l_i-1, *)

As I mentioned, SmartBot is significantly better than random!

#SmarterBot Algorithm

SmartBot was the old hotness. SmarterBot blows it out of the water with a whopping 96% win record!

Using the same training corpus as before, SmarterBot first uses a unigram word model to determine the most likely word that is possible given the current state of the game. It then uses the same letter model as SmartBot to determine the maximum likelihood letter in that word that hasn't been guessed yet, and guesses that.

