
Personal blog built with Hugo and GitHub Pages.

Primary LanguageHTML

Personal Blog

This is my personal blog built using Hugo and hosted on GitHub Pages.


You will need Hugo installed locally. You can install it on MacOS with Homebrew:

brew install hugo

Initial setup

# Generate a new Hugo site and change into that directory
hugo new site jacobmammoliti.github.io && cd jacobmammoliti.github.io

# Initialize directory as a Git repository
git init

# Add a Hugo theme as a submodule
git submodule add https://github.com/monkeyWzr/hugo-theme-cactus.git themes/cactus

# Add the theme to the config file
echo theme = \"cactus\" >> config.toml

Run locally

hugo server --buildDrafts --bind= --baseURL=

Create a new blog post

hugo new posts/post-title.md