
We are all of the same roots.

Primary LanguageShell


We are all of the same roots.

Kin is a project that harnesses the power of Docker to give developers access to other distros without having to dual boot or run a virtual machine!

Getting Started install:


create a new container:

kin create ubuntu newcontainer

run said container:

kin run newcontainer

Kin [ mode ]:

  • create [ distro base ] [ container name ]
  • run [ container name ]

Distro bases avaialable:

Distro Name
Ubuntu ubuntu
Arch Linux arch-linux

The default password for the root user and the user is kin.

(Its only been tested on ubuntu systems)

Whats Been Done

  • Creates an a ubuntu docker image
  • Makes a user with sudo priviliges
  • A permenent filesystem
  • Ability to access the filesystem of the container from the host machine
  • Ability to give the container a host name
  • Running multiple instances of the same container

What Needs to Be Done

  • Installation Script
  • Connecting ports between the container and the host

What Needs to Be Done Way Down the Road

  • GUI
  • Create more distros
    • Alpine
    • Fedora