
Using the Wikipedia-Corpora to pull out film-related data.

Primary LanguageR


Using the EN Wikipedia-Corpus to pull out film-related data.

Currently, this repo containts R scripts that take a Wikipedia Nightly Export through four steps:

Step 1: Break the large nightly file into smaller chunks

Get a nightly file from https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/

I use the latest en-date-cirrussearch.json.gz file

Step 2: Load each json chunk into a dataframe

This step does some basic operations preparing the dataframes for analysis and exporting each as a csv file.

Step 3: Combine the csv exports into one large dataframe

After getting through all the prepatory steps, the dataframe is now ready for analysis.

Step 4: Run various tidyverse scripts to get at whatever I'm looking for

This is where the fun begins