
Deploy tool written in node.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Go Go Go

Gogogo is a simple command-line tool for easily deploying command-line applications. It deploys git branches to named targets.


  1. Your project uses git
  2. You are using ubuntu, or something else with upstart
  3. Git is installed locally and on your target machines
  4. If you aren't deploying as root, you can use sudo without a password


npm -g install gogogo


In your local repo

  1. Run ggg init to generate a default ggg.js file. It looks something like this by default:
module.exports = {
  // services
  // can either be a string or an object with mutiple processes to start up
  start: "node app.js",
  /* or
  start: {
    web: 'node app.js',
    worker 'node worker.js',
    montior: 'node monitor.js'

  // install
  install: "npm install",

  // cron jobs (from your app folder)
  cron: {
    someTask: { time: "0 3 * * *", command: "node sometask.js"},

  // targets to deploy to
  targets: {
    dev: "deploy@dev.mycompany.com",
    staging: ["deploy@staging.mycompany.com", "deploy@staging2.mycompany.com"],
    prod: {
      hosts: ["deploy@mycompany.com", "deploy@backup.mycompany.com"],
      // override top-level cron specified above
      cron: {
        someTask: {time: "0 3 * * *", command: "node sometask.js"},
        anotherTask: {time: "0 3 * * *", command: "node secondTask.js"}
      // override top-level start specified above
      start: "prodstart app.js"
  1. edit ggg.js to match your deploy targets.

  2. ggg deploy dev master to deploy the local master branch to the dev target.


gogogo can do these things:

ggg help
ggg init - creates a ggg.js config file for you
ggg deploy <target> <branch> — deploys branch to named server
ggg restart <target:process>
ggg start <target:process>
ggg stop <target:process>
ggg logs <target:process> — tail remote log
ggg list — show available names
ggg history <target> - shows a history of deployed commits
ggg command <target> <command> - run a command on the server in base directory

gogogo is aliased to ggg for SWEET EFFICIENCY

ggg.js files

The ggg.js file is configuration for gogogog. It tells gogogo where to deploy and what to run when deploying. Since gogogo is just a node program, ggg.js is just a node module that exports a single configuration object.

This object can have the following fields:

  • install: command to be run after each deploy. Use this to install any dependencies your program needs.
  • start: command used to start up your app. Run every time your app starts or restarts.
  • cron: an object containing cron jobs to set up. The cron commands will be run relative to your program's directory
  • targets: an object containing targets to deploy to. The keys are the target names you will use in running gogogo commands. If the values are strings, they are assumed to be single host names to deploy to. Arrays of strings are assumed to be a group of hosts to deploy to. An object is assumed to be configuration for a single target. This can also be called 'servers' for backwards-compatibility.

Lets talk more about the target configuration object. By default each target uses the top-level install, start and cron properties. If you have a ggg.js file that looks like this, then your dev target will use 'node index.js' as the start command and 'npm install' as the install command.

module.exports = {
  start: 'node index.js',
  install: 'npm install',
  servers: {
    dev: 'foo@example.com'

Let's say you add a prod target, and you need to run a build step as part of your installation. You can use an object instead of a hostname string, and specify your own prod-specific install command like so:

module.exports = {
  start: 'node index.js',
  install: 'npm install',
  servers: {
    dev: 'foo@example.com',
    prod: {
      hosts: 'foo@prod.example.com',
      install: 'npm install && ./node_modules/.bin/grunt build'

Cron Support

gogogo can create cron jobs for you on deploy.

module.exports = {
  cron: {
    cronName: {time: "0 3 * * *" command: " node something.js"}

It will create a script in /etc/cron.d/, set the permissions correctly, and redirect log output to cron_cronName.log.

You can have multiple cron commands by having multiple keys in the cron object:

module.exports = {
  cron: {
    cronName: {time: "0 3 * * *" command: "node something.js"},
    anotherCron: {time: "0 1 * * *" command: "node somethingElse.js"}

gogogo isn't smart enough yet to remove old cron files it created when you change or remove cronjobs, so you'll have to do that yourself now.

Multiple processes under one deploy target

gogogo supports running multiple processes under one deploy target. Let's look at an example.

If the value of the start property is a string, your target will only have one process. You can start, stop, restart and log it by running ggg <start|stop|logs|restart> <target>.

module.exports = {
  start: 'echo "foo"'

If the value of the start property is an object, your target will have multiple processes associated with it. Check out an example ggg.js file.

module.exports = {
  servers: {
    prod: {
      hosts: ["deploy@mycompany.com", "deploy@backup.mycompany.com"],
      install: "npm install",
      start: {
        web: 'echo "starting web"',
        worker: 'echo "starting worker"',
        monitor: 'echo "starting monitor"'

Here we define one target, prod, with three processes. Each process gets its own upstart script, log file, and logrotate file. Deploying will restart all three processes at once. If you run ggg prod <stop|restart|start> gogogo will stop|restart|start all three processes at once.

You can start, stop, restart or log individual processes by running ggg <command> prod:<processName>. If you wanted to restart the web process, you would run ggg restart prod:web


Plugins allow you to manipulate fields in the ggg.js file at runtime.

gogogo plugins override a single deploy parameter (such as hosts) and are a simple file that exports a single function with the following signature:

module.exports = function(opts, cb) {
  cb(err, overrides)

where opts is a hash of user definied options, and overrides is the value to replace the field with.

Currently, there is one bundled plugin, chefHosts, which integrates with opscode's knife to retrieve a list of servers to deploy to. An example of using a plugin is shown below.

plugins: {
  "chefHosts" : {
    overrides: "hosts", // required field! defines the property to override
    opts: {
      role: "myapp",
      env: "production"
  "./plugins/myPlugin" { // user plugins are supported, relative to cwd
    overrides: "install"

Multiple servers

To deploy to multiple servers, just add multiple servers to the config file

// ggg.js
module.exports = {
  servers: {
    dev: "deploy@dev.mycompany.com",
    staging: "deploy@staging.mycompany.com"

Then deploy to them separately

gogogo deploy dev master
gogogo deploy staging master

Multiple branches on the same server

You can deploy any branch over your old remote by pushing to it. To have multiple versions of an app running at the same time, call ggg create with different names and the same server.

// ggg.js
module.exports = {
    servers: {
        dev: "deploy@dev.mycompany.com",
        featurex: "deploy@dev.mycompany.com"

Then deploy to them separately

ggg deploy dev master
ggg deploy featurex featurex

Note that for web servers you'll want to change the port in your featurex branch or it will conflict.

Deploying without start

If you want to deploy code without having to run anything (such as machines that only do cron) just don't define a start command or override it with an empty string.

SSH key host checking warning

SSH is run with host key checking disabled. It's up to you to verify the authenticity of your hosts.

Change Log

  • 0.5.2 - fix a whoopsie in ggg list
  • 0.5.1 - ggg list now lists all processes as well as targets
  • 0.5.0 - Add ability to support running multiple processes in one deploy target
  • 0.4.10 - Add a command to run a command on the server, plus colorized output
  • 0.4.8 - automatically add logrotate files, make upstart work properly on reboot
  • 0.4.3 - added support for local deploys, and sudo for non-root users (see note below)
  • 0.4.0 - Added support for tracking support history, plugins, and a chef plugin
  • 0.3.3 - multi cron support, plus per-layer config
  • 0.3.0 - custom config file, cron support
  • 0.2.6 - git push force
  • 0.2.5 - Server Environment variables are preserved! Deploy monitors the log for a couple seconds.
  • 0.2.0 - gogogo list, logs, start, stop, restart, deploy


  • Clean up cron files when removing a cronjob after a deploy


Check it out locally and install the dependencies with

git clone git@github.com:idottv/gogogo.git
cd gogogo
npm install

Make your changes, write tests to cover them, and run tests with npm test.