
Sublime Text 3 User Settings

Primary LanguageShell

These are the settings and preferences I like and want to copy to new machines.

Workstation Setup

  1. install iterm
  2. install sublime
  3. Install oh-my-zsh from https://ohmyz.sh/
  4. Install brew from http://brew.sh
  5. brew install python
  6. brew install ruby
  7. brew install rbenv
  8. Clone daily notes repo to $HOME.
  9. Copy com.jacob.cron.plist to $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents.

Copy Sublime Settings

Package Control Syncing

To properly sync your installed packages across different machines, you actually do not want to sync the whole Packages/ and Installed Packages/ folders. The reason for this is that some packages have different versions for different operating systems. By syncing the actual package contents across operating systems, you will possibly run into broken packages.

The proper solution is to install Package Control on all machines and then to sync only the Packages/User/ folder. This folder contains the Package Control.sublime-settings file, which includes a list of all installed packages. If this file is copied to another machine, the next time Sublime Text is started, Package Control will install the correct version of any missing packages.

sublime settings Is Packages/User

Copy ZSH Settings

Copy zsh_custom folder from/to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom Copy zshrc file from/to ~/.zshrc Copy zshenv file from/to ~/.zshenv

iTerm Settings

To save: In iterm Preferences > Profiles, export Profile to this repo. To load: In iterm Preferences > Profiles, import Profile json, set as Default.

subl Command

This should be handled in zsh_custom/aliases.zsh

Screenshot location

Press Command + Shift + 5. Click on Options. Now either pick a folder that is listed, or choose Other Location. If you choose Other Locaiton you can navigate to the folder you wish the screenshot to go to, or create a folder if required.