
macOS Screenshot Shadow Tool — enable or disable shadow in screenshots that are added when taking a screenshot of a window.

macOS Screenshot Shadow Tool

macOS Screenshot Shadow Tool — enable or disable the shadow border and transparency in screenshots that are added when taking a screenshot of a window.

How to enable or disable


  1. Open Terminal.
    • Open Launchpad or press F4 on your Apple keyboard, go to the Other folder and look for Terminal.
    • Open Launchpad or press F4 on your Apple keyboard and search "Terminal".
    • Press ⌘/⊞ + Space and search "Terminal".
  2. Copy the command below and paste it into the Terminal app.
    defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool true && killall SystemUIServer
  3. Press Enter and the shadow and the transparency are gone!


  1. Open Terminal.
    • Open Launchpad or press F4 on your Apple keyboard, go to the Other folder and look for Terminal.
    • Open Launchpad or press F4 on your Apple keyboard and search "Terminal".
    • Press ⌘/⊞ + Space and search "Terminal".
  2. Copy the command below and paste it into the Terminal app.
    defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool false && killall SystemUIServer
  3. Press Enter and the shadow and the transparency are back!

No sudo command is required!


