$ docker build . -t jacobo/pg-rails
$ docker run -p 5000:5000 jacobo/pg-rails
$ docker push jacobo/pg-rails
Setup the DB:
Storage Class
k create -f k8s_manifests/db-storage-class.yaml k get storageclasses k describe storageclass/pg-pv
Volume Claim
k create -f k8s_manifests/db-volume-claim.yaml k get pvc k describe pvc/pg-pv-claim
erb -r base64 -r securerandom k8s_manifests/db-secret.yaml | kubectl create -f - k get secret/pg-db-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 --decode
k create -f k8s_manifests/db-deployment.yaml
root@pg-for-pg-rails-732073437-tw4vq:/# mount | grep post /dev/xvdba on /var/lib/postgresql/data type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
k create -f k8s_manifests/db-service.yaml
#Go into a new container and connect to your running postgres k run debug -it --rm --image=postgres --restart=Never -- bin/bash $ psql -h pg-rails-service -U postgres
#or connect via already running container k exec -it pg-for-pg-rails-732073437-db1nf bash
Setup rail App:
TODO: make rails log STDOUT so that k logs is useful?
Deployment (app)
Service (load balancer)
db:create, db:migrate
$ k exec -it pg-rails-1466721731-92jkm bash
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Use RDS DB instead:
echo REDACTED_FULL_DB_URL | erb -r base64 -r securerandom k8s_manifests/rds-db-url-secret.yaml | kubectl create -f -
k replace -f k8s_manifests/rails-deployment.yaml
k exec -it pg-rails-2343330091-0g9zd bash
k run busybox -it --image=busybox --restart=Never -- bin/bash k get pods -a k delete busybox
k replace -f k8s_manifests/rails-deployment.yaml
helm lifecycle hooks
Let's get to automatically rolling back deployments! (via readiness checks)
Stateful sets (best practice for databases)
Let's get init containers working...