OEE Setup

An installation document for OEE

git clone https://gitlab.intranet.siqsess.com/oee/oee-setup.git

Use your GITLAB(Siqsess ID) credentials to authenticate clone from gitlab.

Navigate inside the oee-setup directory and switch to root user

cd oee-setup
sudo su

Grant permission to execute the bash files

chmod +x file_update.sh start-up.sh docker-install.sh

Execute the file_update.sh


On execution of file_update.sh, below questions should be answered

  • Please enter your Edge Device IP

    You can find local IP address by the following command   
    $ ifconfig
  • Please enter your Source PLC/Machine IP

    Enter the MTConnect IP Address 
  • Please enter your Machine name

    Enter your machine name 
    Example: ST-10

This will unpack the file and update Edge device IP address, PLC/Machine IP address and the Machine name.

Execute start-up.sh file


start-up.sh file will download, install docker, docker-compose, pull and up BackEnd, FrontEnd and Kafka images.


Once done visit edgedeviceip:9080 in browser to view live data.

Example :