This is a hobbyist hardware project to design and physically build a computer
with a single instruction, DBNZ
, which stands for Decrement and Branch if
Non-Zero. The computer has a dead-simple interface inspired by the
Altair 8800, and is built from discrete logic ICs (the only thing more
complicated being an SRAM chip).
The machine has 256 bytes of memory. Instructions are of the following form:
DBNZ x, y
where x
and y
are each bytes. In machine code, this instruction is simply
the byte x
followed by the byte y
Given the instruction above, the computer decrements the value at memory
location x
, then jumps to the instruction whose first byte is located at
memory location y
if x
's post-decrement value is non-zero. Otherwise, if the
post-decrement value at x
is zero, it moves on to the next instruction (whose
first byte is located after the second byte of the present instruction).
The computer has a register called PC
which holds the location of the
instruction byte currently being processed (the first or the second byte of the
instruction), and a register called VAL
that holds the value being
decremented, pre-decrement. If PC
is ever equal to 0xFF
, the computer halts
Here's a crappy sketch:
The computer's main interface consists of a set of 8 LEDs and a set of 8
toggle switches, along with a Set
button, a Jump
button, and a Step
button. There is an additional toggle switch that allows you to switch between
program mode and run mode, and further LEDs to show internal state.
The user starts by turning on the computer (putting its memory into an undefined
state) and switching to program mode. This mode allows you to set up a program
in memory. You can move to a particular memory location by setting its address
on the toggle switches and pressing Jump
. The new location's address appears
in the PC
LEDs. You can set the memory location's value by configuring the
toggle switches appropriate, then pressing Set
. This also moves you to the
next memory location.
When you are ready to run the program, jump to the appropriate entry point and
then switch to run mode. The computer will run the program until it halts,
showing the contents of the VAL
register at the time it halted.
If you want to step through the program more slowly, setting the
toggle to Step
will allow you to do so using the Step
button. The computer will wait for this button after each instruction is
executed. In this mode, as in program mode, you can use the toggle switches and
the Jump
button to jump around in memory.
I believe this machine is Turing-complete, though I haven't proved it. You can
start with simple subroutines and build up. For example, here is CLEAR x
the value at x
to zero), assuming you return by falling off the end:
// CLEAR x
A: DBNZ x, A
Here is an unconditional jump:
// GOTO L. 0xF0 is arbitrarily-chosen scratch space, and is destroyed.
DBNZ 0xF0, L
DBNZ 0xF0, L
And so on. You can use the following convention to halt with a particular value on the LEDs.
Choose a location to hold the return value, say
. -
End your program with the following snippet located at `0xFD:
// Cause the return value to be loaded, then jump to 0xFF. Because this // instruction is located two bytes before 0xFF, we will jump there no // matter what the value at 0xAA. DBNZ 0xAA 0xFF
Compute the return value however you like, storing it at
. -
when done.