
ISC License JUCE modules

Primary LanguageC


ISC License JUCE modules

This repository is here for anyone needing a quick way to get juce_core and juce_events ISC License modules into a C++/Objective-C++ project.

JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. Please make sure to read the JUCE license before using any code from this repository.


  1. git clone --recursive https://github.com/jacobsologub/juce_isc.git
  2. add juce_isc/ juce_isc/juce/modules/ and juce_isc/JuceLibraryCode/ to your header search path(s).
  3. compile juce_isc.cpp or juce_isc.mm with -fno-objc-arc compiler flag for Objective-C++ projects.


#include <juce_isc.h>

juce::String hello {};
hello.append ("h", 1);
hello.append ("e", 1);
hello.append ("l", 1);
hello.append ("l", 1);
hello.append ("o", 1);

jassert (hello.contains ("hello"));

If you are planning to use any JUCE classes that make use of juce::MessageManager e.g. juce::ActionBroadcaster, juce::AsyncUpdater, juce::ChangeBroadcaster, juce::Timer etc., then you should call juce::initialiseJuce_GUI(); somewhere in the beginning of your application's run loop and juce::shutdownJuce_GUI(); right before your application terminates.