
Surveys how much version ranges are used in automatic build technologies

Primary LanguageJava


Surveys how much version ranges are used in automatic build technologies


/src/githubScraper contains the logic for scraping Github for build scripts. Run ProductionGitHub after setting the GitHub tokens (for additional accesses per hour) and setting up the database (information is in the file, and run the sql file before beginning).

/src/dependencyFinders contains the logic for classifying information. It assumes that the files coming in will be zipped.

The other folders and files are auxiliary scripts and files.



Completed Datasets


Summary Statistics

Build Type Scripts Found Scripts with Dependencies Classified
NPM 8100k 7500k
Gradle 2400k 300k 300k
Maven 2300k 1896k 1896k (31k have major, 4.3k have minor, 3.7k have micro ranges)
Rake 1000k
Ant 500k