fork of arthurtsang/raml-store, that is a fork of brianmc/raml-store.
Is an Express module serving the awesome work of mulesoft/api-designer
Instead of saving to mongodb, it saves to the filesystem directly, exportes an handy Express 4 Router that you can mount on your desired endpoint
sorry for backwards incompatibility, but I love native promises, so this module requires io.js 1.x or above.
It can be refactored to accept a promise library (as bluebird), instead of native Promises (make a PR!)
This package is meant to be mounted on your express server when in development mode, allowing to edit the API specification on-the-fly and ALSO test it (if your development server handles the API)
var app = require('express');
var ramlStore = require('express-raml-store');
// webpages
app.get('/', serveMyHomePage);
app.get('/admin/', greatAdminPanel);
app.get('/api/', apiHandler);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
app.use('/api-docs/', ramlStore(path.join(__dirname, 'raml-dir/')));
// continue until...
Just include the module and specify the directory where you desire to host RAML files.
var path = require('path');
var express = require('express');
var ramlStore = require('express-raml-store');
var app = express();
app.use('/raml-store', ramlStore(path.join(__dirname, 'raml-dir/')));
var server = app.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('Open http://localhost:%d/raml-store/ to browse api-designer', server.address().port);
express-raml-store also works as stand-alone:
$ RAML_DATAPATH=api-spec/raml/ node raml-store.js
I noticed that path traversing is not my best skill, as you see in the example I give up and suggest to use path.join(__dirname, '<ramlPath>')
I think this is a good approach, but I'd rather make the library a little more clever on path solving.
PR are very welcome!