
A RESTful, authenticated course-rating API build in Express & Mongo

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A RESTful, authenticated course-rating API build in Express & MongoDB.


This package and it's dependancies can be installed via the npm i command, and run via npm start.

To add some example data & users, navigate to the seed data directory and run the following commands:

mongoimport --db course-api --collection courses --type=json --jsonArray --file courses.json
mongoimport --db course-api --collection users --type=json --jsonArray --file users.json
mongoimport --db course-api --collection reviews --type=json --jsonArray --file reviews.json


This API uses user-authentication via HTTP Authentication Headers and static methods on the User model. Please note the following routes require authentication:

GET - /api/users: Returns the current authenticated user's data.

POST - /api/courses: Creates & stores a new Course to the database.

PUT - /api/courses/{course ID}: Updates data on a given a course.

POST - /api/courses/{course ID}/reviews: Creates a new review and connects it to the related course via deep population.

Creating Data for the API

Creating a new user

Before testing out the api, it's reccomended you create a new user via the /api/users POST route. The following fields are required in the request body (in application/json format) to do so

fullName: The first & last name of the user.

email: the email address for the account. (This is a unique field).

password: The password you wish the user to use. (The password is hashed before being saved).

Creating a new Course

To create a new course object, the following are required in the request body (application/json format).

title: The title of the course

description: Some basic details on the course.

steps: An Array of Objects, with the following fields required:

title: The title of the step.

description: Details about the step. The 'step' objects may also have the following optional field:

`stepNumber`: The number of the step in relation to the other steps to take.

A course may also have the following optional fields:

estimatedTime: The time estimated to complete a course.

materialsNeeded: The needed resources to complete the course.

Creating a new Review

To create a new review object, only one field is required:

rating: a number between 1 & 5 to show how good a given course is.

Aditionally, you may add a review field to the request body, with a longer text review of a course.