
Exploring accessible methods and data to estimate poverty

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Using random forests regressions (RFRs) and features derived from OpenStreetMap (OSM) and other geospatial data to produce estimates of development indicators such as poverty.

Builds on work published by Thinking Machines Data Science.

Before You Start

This project requires downloaded data from The DHS Program. This data is freely available, but you must register for an account. Please see downloading data below for more information.


Setting up your environment

  1. Clone or download this repository

    git clone https://github.com/aiddata/accessible-poverty-estimates.git
    cd accessible-poverty-estimates
  2. Create Conda environment

  • Create new environment from env file:
    conda env create --file environment.yml
    conda activate osm-rf
  • or from scratch (if you prefer):
    conda create -n osm-rf python=3.9 -c conda-forge
    conda activate osm-rf
    conda install -c conda-forge --file requirements.txt
  • to update your environment (if needed):
    conda activate osm-rf
    conda env update --file environment.yml  --prune
  • to export/save your environment (if needed):
    conda env export > environment.yml
  • Add the src directory to your Conda environment Python path: conda develop /path/to/project/directory/src (Note: /path/to/project/directory should be the same as your project_dir variable in the config.ini)
  1. Install QGIS
  • Instructions for doing so on your operating system can be found here. While this project does not use QGIS directly, it shares the dependency libspatialite. See docs/libspatialite_install.md if you'd prefer to install it manually.

Downloading data

  1. Download DHS data

    • Optional: To explore what data (country/year) are available, run dhs_availability.py
      • Note: This script is meant to serve as an aid and may not always work. If you are interested in extending outside of Phase 7 surveys between 2013 and 2020 you may need to adjust based on desired year range or phase of surveys (variables in script) and test / add exceptions to catch differences in naming / country ISO conventions used by DHS vs other sources.
      • The script will also attempt to generate (and print out) text for each DHS survey that can be added directly to the config.ini file (if not included in it - many 2013:2020 surveys already are).
      • Modify config.ini as necessary based on DHS data you wish to use
    • Register a DHS account, login, and then create a project to request access to the survey data for your countries of interest
      • Important: Be sure to request access to both the Standard DHS survey data and the GIS/GPS data for all countries you wish to download data for.
    • Once your access to both the Standard DHS and GIS/GPS data is approved (may be approved at different times), use either your account project page to access the download manager.
    • You can use the download manager to select data for an individual survey or in bulk.
      • Select the Household Recode Stata dataset (.dta) and the Geographic Data Shape file (.shp) for desired countries/surveys
      • Download into the data/dhs directory of this repo
    • Once downloaded:
      • Run extract_dhs_data.py to automatically unzip the downloaded data.
  2. Download OSM data [skip for replication only]

    • Recommended: For automated/bulk downloads, you can use the download_osm.py script to download and convert OSM shapefiles to SpatiaLite
      • First edit the country list in download_osm.py to:
          1. Include countries you wish to download data for in their relevant regions.
          • See Geofabrik for country name spelling and country-region associatations.
          1. Use the desired date of archived OSM data
    • Alternative: To manually download data for an individual country:
      • Navigate to country page on Geofabrik
      • Click the "raw directory index" link
      • Download the OSM data (shp.zip file) with your desired timestamp (e.g., "philippines-210101-free.shp.zip")
      • Unzip the download in the data/osm directory of this repo
      • If using the default osm_features.py script in a later step, use gen_spatialite.py to convert OSM buildings/roads shapefiles to SpatiaLite databases
    • If you are considering using older snapshots of the OSM database to align with DHS round years, historical coverage of OSM may be limited and impede model performance. For most developing countries, the amount of true historical coverage lacking in older snapshots is likely to be far greater than the amount of actual building/road/etc development since the last DHS round. Neither is ideal, but we expect using more recent OSM data will be more realistic overall. Please consider your particular use case and use your judgement to determine what is best for your application.
    • Year/month availability of older OSM data may not always be consistent across countries. For the most part, each year since 2020 will have at least one archived version (e.g., 20200101, 20210101)

Setting configuration options

This section describes options that should be set in config.ini

Important: If you are just replicating examples from this repo, you only need to modify the project_dir, project, and spatialite_lib_path in the [main] section of the config file.

  • project_dir - path to the root of this repository on your computer
  • project - specifies which subsection to use for project specific configurations (e.g., to replicate work using the Philippines 2017 DHS, use "PH_2017_DHS")
  • spatialite_lib_path - path to where the SpatiaLite library was installed. Typically will not need to be modified if you're running an Ubuntu-based distribution of Linux.
    • The command whereis mod_spatialite.so can help you find it. It is likely in /usr/local/lib/
  • indicators - list of DHS indicators to use for modeling. Currently only supports the DHS "Wealth Index"
  • Project specific configurations (e.g., within the [PH_2017_DHS] section):
    • country_name - name of country based on the OSM download file (e.g., "philippines" for "philippines-210101-free.shp.zip")
    • osm_date - timestamp from the OSM download (e.g. "210101" for "philippines-210101-free.shp.zip")
    • output_name - name unique to your config section which will be used to determine where output files are saved.
    • dhs_hh_file_name - filename of the DHS household recode data. You can determine this via the DHS download manager or using your downloaded files. (e.g. "PHHR71DT" for the 2017 Philippines DHS)
    • dhs_geo_file_name - filename of the DHS geographic data. You can determine this via the DHS download manager or using your downloaded files. (e.g. "PHGE71FL" for the 2017 Philippines DHS)
    • country_utm_epsg_code - EPSG code specific to the country of interest. Typically based on the UTM code for the country (e.g., "32651" to specify UTM 51N for the Philippines). See example search
      • If your area of interest spans multiple UTM zones you can select the best fit or determine another suitable EPSG code (main purpose of code is to support reprojection of WGS84 data for accurate calculation of the area/length of features in meters).
    • geom_id - "DHSID" for use with all DHS data. Could be modified for use with alternative data sources.
    • geom_label - "dhs-buffers" based on file name generation currently hard coded. Could be modified for use with alternative data sources.
    • geoquery_data_file_name - base file name of CSV file containing geospatial variables from GeoQuery. Could be modified to use alternative data sources (this would also require adjusting variables in models.py)
    • ntl_year - Base year to use for nighttime lights (and potentially other geospatial variables)
    • geospatial_variable_years - List of years to include for time series geospatial variables (limited to what is available in data downloaded from GeoQuery)

Processing data and training models

  1. Run get_dhs_adm_units.py to identify ADM 1 and 2 units of DHS clusters

  2. Run dhs_clusters.py to prepare DHS data

  3. Run GeoQuery extract using extract_job.json produced by dhs_clusters.py [skip for replication only]

    • Note: if you are extending this code beyond countries with data available in this repo, contact geo@aiddata.org with your dhs_buffers.geojson and extract_job.json and they will generate the data for you.
  4. Run gen_spatialite.py to convert OSM buildings/roads shapefiles to SpatiaLite databases [skip for replication only]

  5. Run osm_features.py to prepare OSM data [skip for replication only]

    • Note: If you are adapting this code for another country, be sure to update the OSM crosswalk files before this step. The crosswalk_gen.py script can be used to do this.
    • The crosswalk files available with the repo have been built from many countries so it is unlikely any major OSM feature types would be missing, but you can use this script to be sure.
    • crosswalk_gen.py by default will check every OSM file in your data/osm directory. You can change this to check only a single country specified in your config.ini by commenting/uncommented lines specified within the script.
    • After running crosswalk_gen.py edit the modified CSV files if new feature types were detected. Excel or any other CSV/spreadsheet editor will work for this. Replace any 0 values in the group column with a relevant group (see groups already used in crosswalk files for examples such as an OSM building type of "house" being assigned the group of "residential").
  6. Run model_prep.py to merge all data required for modeling.

  7. Run models.py to train models and produce figures.

Using MLflow to track models

MLflow is a platform that helps keep track of machine learning models and their performance. Running models.py by following the instructions above will use MLflow to log models to mlflow.db, a SQLite database in the top level of this repository.

To access the MLflow dashboard, run the following command:

mlflow ui --backend-store-uri=sqlite:///mlflow.db

then, navigate to http://localhost:5000 in your web browser.

In the list of runs on the dashboard homepage, click on one to view a parallel coordinates plot and graph of feature importances.


This work is released under the MIT License. Please see LICENSE.md for more information.