- aouazadHEC Montreal
- arichelGermany
- batermjMETA4ALL
- caguerraPUCP
- cheginitPurdue University
- chenyongxinUniversity of Southampton
- derdrdirkGoogle
- dmey
- doctorloveUK
- fccfxjtu
- fixxxr
- flaviobarCNR - IFAC
- giacrossi
- graveseeLexisNexis Risk Solutions
- jubilee2TN
- jvdp1
- kaigaox
- LinFelixBerlin Timezone
- manojbaishyaBangalore
- MaselkoUniversity of Southampton
- maxlevesque@Aqemia
- moulin1024Max Planck Computing and Data Facility
- rbarkmore
- RBCanelasBentley Systems
- ReubenLi1999Beijing, China
- Sbai7Independent Scientist & Engineering Consultant
- shahmoradiUniversity of Texas
- st4ck3
- stali
- szaghiNational Research Council of Italy, IAC Research Institute for applied mathematics "Mauro Picone"
- truong-pham-dang
- tuncaenIstanbul Technical University
- ustczzh
- wusunlabCarnegie Institution for Science
- zbeekman@ParaToolsInc
- zimmermmETH Zürich and @Eawag-AppliedSystemAnalysis