
Form Builder App

The Form Builder is a web application that allows users to dynamically create, customize, and manage forms. It provides a user-friendly interface for generating forms with various field types and validation options.

Table of Contents


  • Dynamic form field creation: Add and remove form fields on the fly.
  • Field customization: Each field supports a label and various field types, including text input, text area, dropdown, checkbox, and radio button.
  • Dropdown options: Define a set of options for dropdown fields.
  • Form validation: Easily set validation rules for each form field, including required fields, minimum/maximum length, and specific formats (e.g., email, phone number).
  • Conditional logic: Implement conditional logic for form fields based on the values of other fields.
  • File uploads: Add support for file upload fields with validation for file type and size.
  • Save and load configurations: Save and load form configurations as JSON data.


[Link to live demo]


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [[repository-url]](
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the development server:

    npm start
  4. Access the Form Builder application in your browser at (


  1. Launch the Form Builder application by following the installation steps above.

  2. Use the interface to create your desired form by adding and customizing form fields.

  3. Set validation rules for form fields as needed.

  4. Implement conditional logic for form fields based on user inputs.

  5. Add file upload fields and configure file type and size validation.

  6. Save and load form configurations as JSON data for future use.

  7. Submit and test your forms.


The Form Builder application is highly customizable. You can customize the appearance, add additional field types, or extend its functionality as needed. Feel free to explore the codebase and make changes to suit your requirements.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any improvements or new features to propose, please open an issue or submit a pull request. For major changes, please discuss them in advance.