
Sample project using .net core and docker file.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status Build status Dockerhub Status

This project contains some scafolding code that I use whenever I start a new project. It followes some best practices.


  • RESTful web API.
  • GraphQL (+ authorization + permissions)
  • Reactjs Dashboad UI integrated
  • Authorization (OpenId with integrated identity server).
  • Swagger for API documentation.
  • MongoDB document storage database.
  • CI Appvayor && Travis for build automation
  • Docker files to compile and compose a server
  • Developed using TDD practices.


  • Version the binaries that get built in docker.
  • Deploy with CDN
  • Prettier for the website
  • Security headers ?
  • Code coverage in build process.
  • Code analytics - look at resharper cli tools.
  • Find and clean unused code. See if we can automate report
  • Decide what to do about logging, still not sold on the injection method (and log4net not using appsettings.json).
  • 3rd party authentication - github or google would be awesome (Tired of always writing own user management system).
  • Apply some CQRS patterns.
  • More https://shields.io/#/

Gettings started with core

git clone https://github.com/rolfwessels/CoreDocker.git
cd CoreDocker
dotnet restore -v=q
# run all tests
ForEach ($folder in (Get-ChildItem -Path test -Directory)) { dotnet test $folder.FullName -v=q }
dotnet publish -c Release -o bin/publish src/CoreDocker.Api -v=q
code .

Create certificates

see https://benjii.me/2017/06/creating-self-signed-certificate-identity-server-azure/

cd src/CoreDocker.Api/Certificates
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -keyout development.key -out development.crt -subj "/CN=localhost" -days 3650
openssl pkcs12 -export -out development.pfx -inkey development.key -in development.crt -certfile development.crt

Deploy docker files

cd src
docker-compose build;
docker-compose up;


cd src
docker-compose up -d;
docker-compose exec api bash

Deploy lambda

cd src/CoreDocker.Api.Lambda
dotnet build -v=q
dotnet lambda deploy-serverless --s3-bucket coredocker-serverless coredocker-sample
dotnet lambda delete-serverless Stage
# Note that there is some circular depenency so you will need to update the origin url manually for now :-(
