
Extract Substrate and Polkadot compatible ed25519 keys from Ledger mnemonic phrases

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Extract Substrate and Polkadot-compatible ed25519 private keys from a known Ledger mnemonic. This allows you to recover the private key that is normally locked in the Ledger hardware.


  • Clone the repo via git clone https://github.com/jacogr/substrate-ledger-ed25519.git
  • Change into the folder cd substrate-ledger-ed25519
  • Install the dependencies via npm install (or yarn)


npm start <polkadot|kusma> <mnemonic> <account> <address>

Where the 4 arguments are:

  • app type - Either polkadot or kusama, e.g. kusama
  • mnemonic - The full quoted 24-word/25-word mnemonic (enclose it with " at the start and end), e.g. "abandon ... about"
  • account - The index of the account you are using, e.g 0
  • address - The index of the address you are using, e.g. 0

Mac OS / Linux:

  • history -c once completed to delete terminal history


npm start kusama "abandon ... about" 0 0

Full example (known seed):

npm start "kusama" "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about" 0 0

	 ed25519 seed	 0x98cb4e14e0e08ea876f88d728545ea7572dc07dbbe69f1731c418fb827e69d41

	address (DOT)	 15F8gp3or2mLW8yiJAZ9C3ZFpvEA8SPJDq4RXVpVjcXtdxJq
	address (KSM)	 GpTCo8cccWnpFne7EKBwr677tWkEoeLbiAgks76fKisCUWP