
decorator syntax for declaring/configuring ember-concurrency tasks

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This Ember addon lets you use the decorator syntax for declaring/configuring ember-concurrency tasks.


You'll need at least ember-cli@2.13+ and ember-cli-babel@6+. Then install as any other addon:

ember install ember-concurrency-decorators

If you are not using TypeScript, in order for ember-cli-babel to understand the @decorator syntax, you at least also need to install @ember-decorators/babel-transforms. Instead of that you can also install the ember-decorators meta package:

ember install ember-decorators
# or
ember install @ember-decorators/babel-transforms


Available decorators

  • @task: turns a generator method into a task
    • @restartableTask
    • @dropTask
    • @keepLatestTask
    • @enqueueTask
  • @taskGroup: creates a task group from a property
    • @restartableTaskGroup
    • @dropTaskGroup
    • @keepLatestTaskGroup
    • @enqueueTaskGroup
  • @lastValue: alias a property to the result of a task with an optional default value


import Component from '@ember/component';
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency-decorators';

export default class ExampleComponent extends Component {
  doStuff = function*() {
    // ...

  // and then elsewhere
  executeTheTask() {
    // `doStuff` is still a `Task` object that can be `.perform()`ed

You can also pass further options to the task decorator:

  maxConcurrency: 3,
  restartable: true
doStuff = function*() {
  // ...

For your convenience, there are extra decorators for all concurrency modifiers:

Shorthand Equivalent
@restartableTask @task({ restartable: true })
@dropTask @task({ drop: true })
@keepLatestTask @task({ keepLatest: true })
@enqueueTask @task({ enqueue: true })

You can still pass further options to these decorators, like:

@restartableTask({ maxConcurrency: 3 })
doStuff = function*() {
  // ...


import Component from '@ember/component';
import { task, taskGroup } from 'ember-concurrency-decorators';

export default class ExampleComponent extends Component {

  @task({ group: 'someTaskGroup' })
  doStuff = function*() {
    // ...

  @task({ group: 'someTaskGroup' })
  doOtherStuff = function*() {
    // ...

  // and then elsewhere
  executeTheTask() {
    // `doStuff` is still a `Task `object that can be `.perform()`ed

    // `someTaskGroup` is still a `TaskGroup` object

You can also pass further options to the task group decorator:

  maxConcurrency: 3,
  drop: true
}) someTaskGroup;

As for @task, there are extra decorators for all concurrency modifiers:

Shorthand Equivalent
@restartableTaskGroup @taskGroup({ restartable: true })
@dropTaskGroup @taskGroup({ drop: true })
@keepLatestTaskGroup @taskGroup({ keepLatest: true })
@enqueueTaskGroup @taskGroup({ enqueue: true })

You can still pass further options to these decorators, like:

@dropTaskGroup({ maxConcurrency: 3 }) someTaskGroup;


This decorator allows you to alias a property to the result of a task. You can also provide a default value to use before the task has completed.

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency-decorators';
import { lastValue } from 'ember-concurrency-decorators';

export default class ExampleComponent extends Component {
  someTask = function*() {
    // ...


  someTaskValueWithDefault = 'A default value';



Assuming you are using ember-cli-typescript, you can just use native ES6 class syntax with decorators on generator methods.

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { restartableTask } from 'ember-concurrency-decorators';

export default class ExampleComponent extends Component {
  *doStuff() {
    // ...

// elsewhere:

If you use @babel/plugin-transform-typescript with @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators in loose mode (as you currently must), you can't use the above syntax. Instead read on below:


If you are using plain old JavaScript, use the decorators like this:

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { restartableTask } from 'ember-concurrency-decorators';

export default class ExampleComponent extends Component {
  doStuff = function*() {
    // ...

// elsewhere:

You need to use this assignment / initializer syntax instead of "proper" generator methods, because of a bug in the loose mode of @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators, which ember-decorators depends on. When ember-decorators adds support for stage 2 decorators, you will be able to use the generator method syntax as well. 🎉


This project is licensed under the MIT License.