
Code for the papers Hypernetworks in Meta-Reinforcement Learning (Beck et al., 2022) and Recurrent Hypernetworks are Surprisingly Strong in Meta-RL (Beck et al., 2023)

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Hypernetworks in Meta-RL

This repository contains code for the papers Hypernetworks in Meta-Reinforcement Learning (Beck et al., 2022), published at CoRL, and Recurrent Hypernetworks are Surprisingly Strong in Meta-RL (Beck et al., 2023), published at NeurIPS, and SplAgger: Split Aggregation for Meta-Reinforcement Learning (Beck et al., 2024), published at RLC.

  author     =  {Jacob Beck and Matthew Jackson and Risto Vuorio and Shimon Whiteson},
  title      =  {Hypernetworks in Meta-Reinforcement Learning},
  booktitle  =  {Conference on Robot Learning},
  year       =  {2022},
  url        =  {https://openreview.net/forum?id=N-HtsQkRotI}
  author     =  {Jacob Beck and Risto Vuorio and Zheng Xiong and Shimon Whiteson},
  title      =  {Recurrent Hypernetworks are Surprisingly Strong in Meta-RL},
  booktitle  =  {Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
  year       =  {2023},
  url        =  {https://openreview.net/forum?id=pefAAzu8an}
  author    = {Jacob Beck and Matthew Jackson and Risto Vuorio and Zheng Xiong and Shimon Whiteson},
  title     = {SplAgger: Split Aggregation for Meta-Reinforcement Learning},
  booktitle   = {Reinforcement Learning Conference},
  eprint    = {2403.03020},
  year      = {2024},

This repository is based on code from VariBAD: A very good method for Bayes-Adaptive Deep RL via Meta-Learning (Zintgraf et al., 2020). If you use this code, please additionally cite this paper:

  author     =  {Zintgraf, Luisa and Shiarlis, Kyriacos and Igl, Maximilian and Schulze, Sebastian and Gal, Yarin and Hofmann, Katja and Whiteson, Shimon},
  title      =  {VariBAD: A Very Good Method for Bayes-Adaptive Deep RL via Meta-Learning},
  booktitle  =  {International Conference on Learning Representation (ICLR)},
  year       =  {2020}}

Finally, the T-Maze environments, Minecraft environments, aggregators in aggregator.py, and analysis in visualize_analysis.py are all reproduced from AMRL: Aggregated Memory For Reinforcement Learning (Beck et al., 2020). These files were adapted to PyTorch, from the original code in TensorFlow. If you use any of those modules, please cite this paper:

  author     =  {Jacob Beck and Kamil Ciosek and Sam Devlin and Sebastian Tschiatschek and Cheng Zhang and Katja Hofmann},
  title      =  {AMRL: Aggregated Memory For Reinforcement Learning},
  booktitle  =  {International Conference on Learning Representations},
  year       =  {2020},
  url        =  {https://openreview.net/forum?id=Bkl7bREtDr}


The experiments can be found in experiment_sets/. The models themselves are defined in models.py. Main results on initialization methods (Beck et al., 2022) can be found in init_main_results.py. Main results on supervision (Beck et al., 2023) and an example usage of SplAgger (Beck et al., 2024) can be found in main_results.py. Analysis and the remaining environments can be found in analysis.py and all_envs.py, respectively.

run_experiments.py can be used to build dockers, launch experiments, and start new experiments when there is sufficient space. Results will be saved in hyper/data/ by default.

Example usage:

python3 run_experiments.py main_results --shuffle --gpu_free 0-7 --experiments_per_gpu 1 |& tee log.txt

The script, run_experiments.py, automatically runs commands using the docker files, e.g., executing run_cpu.sh mujoco150 0 python ~/MetaMem/main.py --env-type gridworld_varibad, to run gridworld on CPU 0. Within a docker, this command could be run with python main.py --env-type gridworld_varibad.

The main training loop itself can be found in metalearner.py, the hypernetwork is in policy.py, and added supervision for task inference is in ppo.py.

After training, visualize_runs.py can be used for plotting. To automatically plot all results for a set of experiments, you can also use the run_experiments.py script. Plots will be saved in hyper/data/plts/ by default.

Example usage:

python3 run_experiments.py main_results --plot

To measure the different types of gradient decay for different aggregators in the SplAgger analysis, you can use visualize_analysis.py. The plot will be saved as hyper/data/analysis.png by default. (Currently set up for CPU usage.)

Example usage:

/home/jaceck/hyper/run_cpu.sh mujoco150 0 python /home/jaceck/hyper/visualize_analysis.py --grad --noise --no_log
/home/jaceck/hyper/run_cpu.sh mujoco150 0 python /home/jaceck/hyper/visualize_analysis.py --param_grad --noise --no_log
/home/jaceck/hyper/run_cpu.sh mujoco150 0 python /home/jaceck/hyper/visualize_analysis.py --inputs_grad --noise
/home/jaceck/hyper/run_cpu.sh mujoco150 0 python /home/jaceck/hyper/visualize_analysis.py --perm_diff --no_log


  • The env-type argument refers to a config in config/, and is a list of default arguments common to an environment, but these can be overridden in the experiment set.
  • Different environments require one of three different dockers, specifying different MuJoCo versions, as documented in the respective experiments sets. The dockerfiles can be built automatically with run_experiments.py, or manually with, e.g., bash build.sh Dockerfile_mj150.
  • To recreate SplAgger experiments, use the environments in all_envs.py and models in models.py, but note that you need to additionally set "latent_dim": 12 and "full_transitions": True, in "shared_arguments", if not done already. Additionally, setting "policy_entropy_coef": 0.0, on PlanningGame, is done for you and is very important!
  • requirements.txt is legacy from VariBAD, and likely out of date.