
A simple Python script to retrieve stories from Pivotal projects.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple Python script to retrieve stories from Pivotal projects. It is used to make a report of X past days accepted (or in the state in which you prefer) stories for all interesting projects.

Since a report is made it is sent to Slack as a message.


  • required: ensure to provide a valid Pivotal token in the environment variable PIVOTAL_TOKEN
  • optional: if you want to forward a message to Slack ensure to provide a valid Slack token in the environment variable SLACK_TOKEN


import datetime
from utils.pivotal import Pivotal
from utils.print import get_printable_stories
from utils.slack import send_slack_message

project_id = 1234567
pivotal = Pivotal("mypivotaltoken")
# a week ago from today
week_ago = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
update_since = f"{week_ago:%m/%d/%Y}"

project = pivotal.get_project(project_id)
stories = pivotal.get_stories(project_id, update_since, ['delivered','accepted'])
printable_stories = get_printable_stories(stories, pivotal.get_project_membership(project_id))

# compose slack message
slack_message = ""
for ps in printable_stories:
    slack_message += "%s\n\n" % ps
# send message to slack
send_slack_message("myslacktoken", "#my_channel", slack_message)