This is where all my experiments with python go. I'm mainly trying out the scientific libraries: numpy, scipy, sympy, astropy...
In the folder numerical-methods
there are exercises for a course in numerical methods for astronomy.
Otherwise, in no specific order there are small code projects done either for a university class or for fun.
A couple of recent interesting ones:
converts the energies of the spectral series of Hydrogen to notes (by shifting down by several octaves), in the same folder one can find a Musescore score and anmp3
synthesized version of
takes an observed spectrum of a certain unknown ion and queries the Nist database of spectral lines to guess what ion it is.fractals/
generates fractals (despite the name, also Julia fractals, not just the Mandelbrot set). A sample render isfractals/pictures/high_res_plasma.pdf
.Bayes vs frequentist.ipynb
does the simulation from this video.