The Big Escaperoom Tournament.
This is a Svelte app merely for demo purposes. It will use SvelteKit in a next iteration, for now it is vanilla Svelte. Hardcoded passwords are for demo use.
A team can register to do the Escape room tournament. They can enter the escape room and solve puzzles. Once they are done:
- the time spent in the Escape room is registered,
- a picture is sent to the socials.
Until there is proper api documentation:
- frontend
- port 8080
- Handles logins, registers and writes to database
- port 5000
- /api (GET)
- /api/register (POST)
- /api/ping (GET)
- /api/login (GET,POST)
- Database for registerservice
- port 1433
- Posts messages to score queue and image queue
- port 5005
- /room/leave (POST)
- /room/ping(GET)
- /room/purge(GET)
- Consumes the score
- port 5006
- /score/ping(GET)
- /score/teams(POST)
- /dapr/subscribe(GET)
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Podman or docker.
podman run --cap-add SYS_PTRACE -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=1' -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=your-password' -p 1433:1433 --name sqledge -d
And start all the apps