
Book is an simple appointment/event management application

Primary LanguagePython


Book is an simple appointment/event management application This app is being maintained by Jacques Cadet.


  • Python 3.5+
  • Django - Base web framework
  • dj-database-url - Parse database connections from 12-factor style URLs
  • python-dotenv - Parse environment variables from .env files
  • django-crispy-forms - Adds bootstrap input styling to forms.
  • djangorestframework
  • django-filter 1.1.0
  • certifi 2018.1.18
  • chardet 3.0.4
  • click 6.7
  • coreapi
  • coreschema
  • pytz
  • requests 2.20.0
  • uritemplate 3.0.0
  • urllib3
  • idna 2.6
  • itypes 1.1.0
  • Jinja2
  • Markdown
  • MarkupSafe

NOTE: Book is designed to be used on any platform supporting 12 Factor Apps.


  • Clone or download the repo.
  • Create virtualenv.
  • Use pip install -r requirements.txt to install requirements in requirements.txt.
  • Create a .env file from the example.env file in source directory of the project.
  • Edit your .env file to include your own environment values for secret keys, database urls, etc.
  • Run python manage.py migrate to run all database migrations.
  • Run python manage.py createsuperuser to create an admin user.
  • Run python manage.py runserver --noinput for a development environment, or use the Django documentation to set up a WSGI-compliant webserver of your choice.