
A Magento module to purpose to have dynamic fields in product/category edit page.

Primary LanguagePHP

Dynamic field

Ce project est un module Magento.
Mes excuses pour nos amis anglophones mais les explications sont en français.

Comment utiliser un champ dynamique ?

Tout d'abord il faut vouloir un attribut à options tel qu'un attribut de type select ou multiselect.

Une fois que votre attribut est identifié il suffit de lui ajouter les deux options suivantes dans sa création.


Il s'agit de la colonne frontend_input_renderer utilisée dans la table catalog_eav_attribute.

Les valeurs possibles sont :

  • jbh_dynamicfield/adminhtml_catalog_product_renderer_select : Quand votre champ est de type select.
  • jbh_dynamicfield/adminhtml_catalog_product_renderer_multiselect : Quand votre champ est de type multiselect.


Il s'agit de la colonne backend_model utilisée dans la table eav_attribute.

Les valeurs possibles sont :

  • jbh_dynamicfield/catalog_product_attribute_backend_select : Quand votre champ est de type select.
  • jbh_dynamicfield/catalog_product_attribute_backend_multiselect : Quand votre champ est de type multiselect.

Exemple d'attribut à valeur multiple

/* ... */
// Add the attribute `baz` with some fields
$installer->addAttribute(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::ENTITY, 'baz', array(
    'label'                      => 'The Baz', // The label ;)
    'group'                      => 'General', // The group (in the admin page)
    'input'                      => 'multiselect', // Used for the input type
    'required'                   => true, // Is it required?
    //'source'                     => '', // Used for a source model
    'backend'                    => 'jbh_dynamicfield/catalog_product_attribute_backend_multiselect', // Used for a backend model (before and after save, before and after load of the product)
    'input_renderer'             => 'jbh_dynamicfield/adminhtml_catalog_product_renderer_multiselect', // Used for a custom input renderer (admin only)
    //'frontend'                   => '', // Used for a frontend model (like the image frontend model with the getUrl method)
    //'class'                      => '', // Used for a backend HTML class (usefull for javascript validation – with the 'validate-email' class for example)
    'comparable'                 => false, // Comparable? (on front, via the comparable products).
    //'default'                    => '', // The default value
    'filterable'                 => false, // Filterable? (on front, in the category view or search)
    //'apply_to'                   => '', // Used for product type restrictions
    'global'                     => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_STORE, // The scope
    'is_configurable'            => false, // Is it a configurable attribute?
    'is_html_allowed_on_front'   => false, // Is HTML allowed on front?
    //'note'                       => '', // Maybe a simple note below the input field in admin
    'searchable'                 => false, // Is it searchable?
    'sort_order'                 => '', // Which position on the admin page?
    'type'                       => 'varchar', // The attribute type (varchar, text, int...)
    'unique'                     => false, // Is it unique?
    'used_for_sort_by'           => false, // Is it used for the 'sort by' select on a catalog/search page?
    'used_in_product_listing'    => true, // In Flat?
    'user_defined'               => false, // Is it user defined? If false the attribute isn't removable.
    'visible'                    => true, // Is it visible? If true the field appears in admin product page.
    'visible_in_advanced_search' => false, // Is it visible on advanced search?
    'wysiwyg_enabled'            => false, // Is Wywiwyg enable? (use 'editor' input if you put true ;))