libjEngine is a light C++ engine with usefull tools for OpenGL Context rendering.
NOTA : Only avaible for OS X (yet)
It comes with :
- Base context
- Basic user events handling
- Program/Shader management
- Framebuffer objects management
- Geometry initialization and drawing
- Texture management
- Camera class
- First Person Camera class
- Tesselated plane generator
Only tested on OS X 10.7+ (for the moment), should work on 10.5+
- OpenGL : Version 2.0+
- GLSL : Version 1.2+
- SDL : Version 1.2.* more infos here
- SDL_image : Version 1.2.* more infos here
- jansson : Version 2.3.* more infos here
Build and install into ‘/usr/local/lib‘ :
make && sudo make install
Type :
make uninstall