Desctrption: Pull a test message database from phone and plot some data from it
- Use SMS Backup and Restore to create and xml of your text messages
- Note: choose the SMS only option. This code doesn't yet know how to deal with MMS -
- Place the xml file in the Configs folder. Probably shouldn't push this file to a repo since all your text messages will be on the web. This should be managed through gitignore if you are using git.
- Setup the config file.
- Refer to to see what variables to put in.
- Save modified as You probably shouldn't push since it'll contain peoples phone numbers. This should be managed through gitignore if you are using git.
- Variables in
- filename: the xml file that contains your text database
- phone_nums: A dictionary. The key is how you want to refer to the person. The value is their phone number.