
My Windows 11 dotfiles

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A Windows 11 Dotfiles Repo infused with Catppuccin Theme TWITTER  

Last Commit   REPO SIZE   LICENSE   Stargazers  


> Screenshots are taken on my main monitor, which has the resolution of 3440x1440.
Works seamlessly on my 1920x1080 monitors as well!

πŸŒ† Preview 
🌷 Install 
🧱 Extras 
✨ Features 
πŸ‘€ Author 

✨ Prerequisites

πŸŒ† Preview

Yasb's Catppuccin Statusbar





Rainmeter's Catppuccin Statusbar




  • Transparent File Explorer



🌷 Install

  • Simply clone this repo to your_location
git clone https://github.com/jacquindev/windots.git your_location
cd `your_location`
  • In your elevated PowerShell Terminal, run: .\Setup.ps1
. .\Setup.ps1


Before running the Setup.ps1 script, please check the appList.json file to ADD/REMOVE the apps you would like to install.

VSCode Extensions:
Edit the extensions list to ADD/REMOVE the extensions you would like to install.

😎 Clink Setup
  • In your Command Prompt console, type:
clink installscripts "your_location\clink\clink-custom"
clink installscripts "your_location\clink\clink-completions"
clink installscripts "your_location\clink\clink-gizmos"
clink installscripts "your_location\clink\more-clink-completions"
  • Replace your_location with full path to where you cloned this repository.

🌟 WSL Setup
  • Any configurations related to WSL are maintained in this repo: πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ dotfiles πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ

β›πŸ§± Extra Setup (optional)

Follow the below links to download and learn to how to setup:

🌈 Catppuccin Themes 🎨
Cursors cursors
Themes themes
🎸 Spicetify Setup 🎧
Addons Name
Extensions Beautiful Lyrics  Bookmark  Full App Display  Shuffle+  Trash Bin 
Themes Comfy Themes  βš™οΈ

✨ Features

πŸ–₯️ CLI/TUI Apps
Entry App
Terminal Emulator Windows Terminal βš™οΈ
File Explorer yazi βš™οΈ
Fuzzy File Finder fzf
System Monitor btop
System Fetch fastfetch βš™οΈ
Git TUI lazygit βš™οΈ
🌎 Replacement
Entry App
cat bat βš™οΈ
cd zoxide
ls eza βš™οΈ
find fd
grep ripgrep
🎧 Spotify
spicetify spotify-tui βš™οΈ
πŸ–±οΈ GUI Apps
Entry App
App Launcher Flow Launcher
Music Player Spotify
Web Browser Zen Browser
πŸ“Œ Git Addons
Installer Link Description
winget GitHub Desktop Simple collaboration from your desktop
scoop gh Bring GitHub to the command line
scoop git-crypt Transparent file encryption in Git
scoop git-filter-repo Quickly rewrite git repository history (filter-branch replacement)
scoop git-lfs Improve then handling of large files
scoop git-sizer Compute various size metrics for a Git repository
scoop gitleaks Detect secrets like passwords, API keys, and tokens
scoop bfg Remove large or troublesome blobs (required java installed)
npm commitizen + cz-git Write better Git commits
npm git-open Open the GitHub page or website for a repository in your browser
npm git-recent See your latest local git branches, formatted real fancy
πŸ“ Text Editor / Note Taking

πŸŽ‰ Credits

Big thanks for those inspirations:

πŸ‘€ Author

Jacquin Moon

πŸ“œ License

This repository is released under the MIT License.

Feel free to use and modify these dotfiles to suit your needs.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!