Site visitors can see the top 3 random streamers on the home page when the page loads or refreshes. Visitors can also see top 10 games being streamed for the day and search for games based on game name, genre or release dates. Finally, site visitors can see the top video on demand clips being streamed for the day.
Twitch Authentication Instructions:
Use the link above to register your app to get:
client secret ID, client ID & application token
Non-Interactive Inline Frames for Live Streams and VODs:
src="<channel, video, or collection>&"
API Name: | Data retrieved from API: |
Twitch | Random streamers, games streamed, game images and live VOD |
IGDB | Game names, release dates and genre |
We decided to use Twitch's Non-Interactive Inline Frames for Live Streams and VODs instead of a third party library for better system performance and stability.
Dev Notes: NOTE: All development was done remotely via Zoom Meeting & Live Server due to covid-19 pandemic
File Name: | File Data: |
.gitignore | used to exclude specific packages from being uploaded into github |
clips.js | code used to render video clips |
games.js | code used to search & render games, release dates and genre in search bar |
index.js | code used to render top games being streamed and top 3 random streamers |
clips.html | video main page |
games.html | search main page |
index.html | home main page |
index.css | used to style the index.html, games.html and clips.htlm pages |
/img | images for carousel |
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Build and designed by:
Aaron Hedge
Chase Taegun Owners
Jada Quandt
Jaland Swain
Nick Howland
Kelvin Lester
Reena Gouldbourne (DIR)