
FWF to CSV converter using python, docker/docker-composer.

Local Development

Clone this repo, then build the image and enter a shell in that image:

make build
make run

make shell (# access container shell)

    # From container shell: to run manually
    > cd /opt/app
    > python

Validation Steps

make build-validate

make test # (runs pytest)	

make flake # flake-8 validator

make lint # black auto formatter (ideally should be in precommit hook)

Running tests

Enter the container and run:

make build-validate  # build dev container
make test            # run pytests in dev container

What does it do?

Assumptions: Not reading file names from command line args. Instead read/write files in to below paths

- Read specs from `data/spec.json`
- Generates Fix width file at `data/fwf.txt`
- Generates CSV from FWF file at `data/converted.csv`

Directory Structure:

- app
     - data: generate/read FWF, and generates CSV in this dir
     - generator: FWF generator
     - parser: FWF parser and CSV generator
     - utils: helpers; `fw_config` -> reads spec.json and creates python config object

Other info