
A small library to quickly and easily add infinite/endless scrolling support to any MAUI ListView.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Infinite Scrolling

Build status NuGet NuGet Pre Release

A small library to quickly and easily add infinite/endless scrolling support to any Xamarin.Forms ListView.


Adding infinite scrolling support to a ListView is done in two steps. First we add the InfiniteScrollBehavior to the ListView's behaviors:

<!-- xmlns:scroll="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.Extended;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.Extended.InfiniteScrolling" -->

<!-- a normal list view -->
<ListView CachingStrategy="RecycleElement" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">

    <!-- the behavior that will enable infinite scrolling -->
        <scroll:InfiniteScrollBehavior />



And then, we need to make use of the InfiniteScrollCollection<T> as our collection type (instead of ObservableCollection<T> or List<T>):

using Xamarin.Forms.Extended.InfiniteScrolling;

public class MainViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private const int PageSize = 20;

    public MainViewModel()
        Items = new InfiniteScrollCollection<DataItem>
            OnLoadMore = async () =>
                // load the next page
                var page = Items.Count / PageSize;
                var items = await dataSource.GetItemsAsync(page + 1, PageSize);

                // return the items that need to be added
                return items;

    public InfiniteScrollCollection<DataItem> Items { get; }

That's it! All we needed was the behavior and the collection type. The rest is automatically handled for us. If we need to manually trigger the list to load more, for example to initialize the list, we can just use the LoadMoreAsync method:


Loading Placeholder

Although this library does not provide any placeholders by default, we can easily add one by making use of the IsLoadingMore property of InfiniteScrollBehavior and the ListView footer:

<ListView ...>

    <!-- the behavior bound to IsWorking -->
        <scroll:InfiniteScrollBehavior IsLoadingMore="{Binding IsWorking}" />

    <!-- the "loading..." view, with visibility bound to IsWorking -->
        <Grid Padding="6" IsVisible="{Binding IsWorking}">
            <!-- set the footer to have a zero height when invisible -->
                <Trigger TargetType="Grid" Property="IsVisible" Value="False">
                    <Setter Property="HeightRequest" Value="0" />
            <!-- the loading content -->
            <Label Text="Loading..." VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Center" />


Advanced Usage

The way the custom collection works is to implement various interfaces that the behavior is listening for. We can use these interfaces to convert any collection into a infinite-loading collection:


The IInfiniteScrollLoader interface is required as it is the primary means in which the behavior lets the collection know to load more data:

public interface IInfiniteScrollLoader
    // returns true if the list should load more
    bool CanLoadMore { get; }

    // the method that actually loads more data
    Task LoadMoreAsync();

Depending on what the user does with the list view, the behavior will first check the CanLoadMore property to see if more data needs to be loaded. If this property returns true, then the behavior will call the LoadMoreAsync method. This method can perform any loading from anywhere (a database or remote service) and then add new items to the list.


The IInfiniteScrollLoading interface is optional and provides the behavior with notifications if the starts loading more data - without the list view asking for more:

public interface IInfiniteScrollLoading
    // the collection is loading more
    bool IsLoadingMore { get; }

    // the collection either began or completed a load
    event EventHandler<LoadingMoreEventArgs> LoadingMore;

If this interface is implemented, the behavior can be aware of events that were not triggered by the list view, but by a view model or code behind. When the collection wants to load more data, it needs to first raise the LoadingMore event with new LoadingMoreEventArgs(true). This is used to let the behavior know that it should not load items if the user scrolls since it is already happening. As soon as the load operation completes, the event should be raised again, but this time with the arguments new LoadingMoreEventArgs(false).

The IsLoadingMore property should accurately reflect the current state of loading. As soon as a load starts, the IsLoadingMore property must return true, and when loading completes, return false. This is because the behavior can, at any time, request the loading state without having to listen to the events. This is most important for the cases where the list obtains it's items via data binding, but the binding changes. At this point, the events may not be attached and there is no way for the behavior to know if a load operation has started or completed.


The IInfiniteScrollDetector interface is optional and provides the behavior with an alternate means with which to check if the list needs to load more items based on the current scroll position:

public interface IInfiniteScrollDetector
    // returns true if the current item is at the point that more items are needed
    bool ShouldLoadMore(object currentItem);

Typically, this interface is not needed as the behavior will be watching the scroll can detect when more items are needed. However, the automatice detection requires that the items source implement the IList interface. This is usually true for an ObservableCollection<T> or List<T>, but there may be some instances where this is not the collection type. Or, we wish to have more control over when more items are loaded.

Implementing Interfaces

A possible implementation of all these interfaces might be:

public class InfiniteScrollCollection<T> : 
    ObservableCollection<T>, // the base collection type
    IInfiniteScrollLoader,   // [required]
    IInfiniteScrollLoading,  // [optional]
    IInfiniteScrollDetector  // [optional]
    // for tracking the state of a load operation
    private bool isLoadingMore;

    public InfiniteScrollCollection()

    public InfiniteScrollCollection(IEnumerable<T> collection)
        : base(collection)

    // we can load forever
    public bool CanLoadMore => true;

    // the list has determined that we need more items
    public async Task LoadMoreAsync()
        // we are starting a load, set the property and raise the event
        isLoadingMore = true;
        LoadingMore?.Invoke(this, new LoadingMoreEventArgs(true));

        // load more items
        var newItems = await LoadMoreDataFromSomewhereAsync();

        // add the new items to the list
        foreach (item in newItems)

        // we have finished our load, set the property and raise the event
        isLoadingMore = false;
        LoadingMore?.Invoke(this, new LoadingMoreEventArgs(false));

    // whether or not we are loading items
    public bool IsLoadingMore => isLoadingMore;

    // the event that informs the list that we are fetching more items
    public event EventHandler<LoadingMoreEventArgs> LoadingMore;

    // whether or not we have run out of items
    public bool ShouldLoadMore(object currentItem)
        // there are no items in the list
        if (Count == 0)
            return true;

        // the current item is the last item in the list
        return this[Count - 1] == currentItem;